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9/11 remembrance
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So I know this is short notice but I was thinking we could do a limited edition remembrance for 9/11. It will be the 10th year after the tragic loss. I was thinking of doing a background that has the lights where the twin towers were. Also do like a background withfirefighters and search and rescue dogs. Maybe a banner that says Remembering 9/11. I remember this tragic loss even though I was 4.

09-11-2011 at 12:41 AM
I actually get physically ill seeing the videos from 9/11. Knowing that there were PEOPLE, that died, and that their families know they died right then. It just disgusts me. Especially the videos of the people leaping from the towers. -shakes head-<br /> <br /> Well, we did get an item, so I guess this post doesn't matter XD

09-10-2011 at 7:13 PM
I personally feel kinda uncomfortable with the clips for precisely that reason. Seems like grinding salt into old wounds.<br /> <br /> I'm not going to wig out and bellow at anyone that posts pictures of the collapsing towers or anything like that, I've just gotten to a point where I try to mentally filter it out/skip over it.

09-10-2011 at 7:02 PM
Y'know.... ive been thinking about what Carni and Geist have been saying.. and it makes me think..<br>What do you guys think about showing clips of the towers collapsing?<br>If it had been a car crash involving my dad instead of the twin towers, I'd be pretty offended if people insisted on replaying the clip of him dying in a crash every single year.

09-10-2011 at 12:19 PM
hhaha no they're not celebrating what happened on that day, but it is a day known for "celebration" which i always found kinda weird. It would be weird to create a dumb "holiday" on 9/11 for fun.
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2011-09-10 12:19:43 by #5484

09-10-2011 at 7:55 AM
Gam, if people are literally celebrating what happened at Columbine, that's pretty sick. <br /> <br /> If you mean people try to memorialize for the kids who died, I hold the same opinion. I doubt the families who lost their children want to be reminded of the tragedy every year, but even so, if it's the case that people send condolences and gifts to those families, they're still doing so just for the direct victims of what happened. I'm not going to pat myself on the back and get a gift, or turn the day into a holiday for myself, and then say it's to pay respects to the victims. It just makes no sense.

09-9-2011 at 11:49 PM
Geist we took down Osama Bin Laden this year. It took 10 years after the attack to kill him. I dont care if they make any items. I just thought that with it being te 10th year and the same year Osama was taken down that we could atleast have something.

09-9-2011 at 10:42 PM
what do you guys think about the day of columbine school massacre? other people celebrate it in... different... ways. do you support or no? This isnt meant to spark any fights im just genuinely curious

09-9-2011 at 9:48 PM
Silverleaf, I was 17 when it happened. I remember waking up, walking out of my room, and staring at it happening on the television. It was completely horrifying.<br /> <br /> And there are worse things happening constantly in the world. This nation doesn't have.. the best perspective on things like that. I'm definitely not saying it wasn't a horrible tragedy.<br /> <br /> I'd find items for 9/11 on this site tasteless, and I'm also becoming tired of being constantly reminded of it. It was <i>ten years ago.</i>

09-9-2011 at 2:15 PM
I'm sorry. I dn't suggest. As much as I know this was tragic, I'm getting annoyed with all this hype. <br /> <br /> What about those who were killed by pearl harbor? What about those who were killed in school shootings? What about those who were in school bombings?<br /> <br /> What about those fighting overseas fighting for our freedome everyday?<br /> <br /> We would need to have an item in memory of everyone of the people who died. In every type of mass death.

09-9-2011 at 12:16 PM
I found it offensive on somethings you said. I remeber clearly of this day. I was only 4 but it has left me with some graphic memories. I watched as some people jumped out of the building. I was affected by this because i saw what happened to those people. My sisters just left for school and they were in 4th grade when it happened. I remeber i watched the news in the living room on this bright clear day. I remember watching the look on my mom's face as it changed. I didn't understand that well what happened but i knew it was something horrible. I think we could have a few items where it is donated to charities.

09-9-2011 at 11:07 AM
There's also another flaw in your logic, Gam.<br /> <br /> People don't typically get little notes or flowers every single year, reminding them "hey, remember when your mom died? That sucked. Here's a balloon." Year after year after year? You really think coming by and reminding that person of the pain they went through is helping them?<br /> <br /> And I don't think taking flowers to a grave is exactly the same as putting gift items on a dog sim with the excuse of "a horrible tragedy happened on this day." You're giving a gift to a dead person, to pay respects to them. Doing 9/11 items is like giving ourselves gifts for what happened.<br /> <br /> We might as well start considering "Remember the Alamo," "Remember the World Wars," "Remember the Holocaust," and so on and so on until we try to cover every major worldwide catastrophe ever, and in the end, it all comes back down to everyone receiving items either to decorate our dogs or boost some sort of stat, and it all just seems very selfish and tactless, despite intentions.<br /> <br /> No offense meant to the poster or those agreeing that they want these items, and I know we already have the Soldier Helmet, and I can't really agree with that item, either. But I just don't see anything selfless and charitable about any of this. If you want to commemorate what happened, fine, go out and do something, like I said before, give to a related charity, find someone in need and help them, go out of your way to do more good than you normally would, give of yourself to others in some form or fashion. Don't seek to gain anything for yourself other than the satisfaction that for a moment, you made a positive difference in someone else's life.

09-9-2011 at 8:15 AM
Well is it not kind of like "your mom died, here's a gift to celebrate!"?

09-9-2011 at 7:16 AM
I don't think we should do anything, either. What about all the people that were killed in the Oklahoma bombing? Or all the children who have been lost over the years to school shootings? How about all our previous attacks (ex: Pearl Harbor). To be completely honest, I'm getting tired of hearing about 9/11 every year and I'm sure the families who lost loved ones are too. It's a continual source of pain for them and after 10 years, I'm sure they'd like to move on. <br /> <br /> Not to mention, not everyone who plays Ala is from the USA, and a lot of our issues do not effect them. Foreign players may feel left out, especially if Ala doesn't do something to commemorate their tragedies (such as the London bombings).<br /> <br /> Now if you wanna commemorate the people who gave their lives or whatever, just in general, for ALL tragedies- items like the soldier helmet could be added into new things. Such as, like said, a firefighters helmet, policeman's helmet, etc.
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2011-09-09 07:18:21 by #2414

09-9-2011 at 7:06 AM
Gam, those gifts are going directly to the victims of such tragedies, either the dead person at the grave site, or to the direct family who lost that person, or directly to the person who's sick. <br /> <br /> While, yes, all of America was affected by 9/11, it's not an event I would exactly feel comfortable receiving a gift on. None of my family died in the event, I didn't get sick from all the awful stuff that was in the air when the towers collapsed. Aside from living in the country it happened in, it didn't cause tragedy in my personal life, and I'd never feel comfortable getting a gift of some kind for the sake of 9/11. Be charitable to the people who have directly suffered from it, do something that actually makes a difference for your fellow man.

09-9-2011 at 6:56 AM
carni, what are your opinions on people leaving gifts at grave-sites? What about people who get get-well gifts in the hospital or after a loved one dies?
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2011-09-09 06:57:08 by #5484

09-9-2011 at 6:26 AM
I just personally don't agree with the whole context of it. Not even the soldier helmets. If we did something like a donation item where all the proceeds would go to a charity for the firefighters dealing with medical issues because of everything they inhaled on 9/11, then it would be respectful. But as it is, it's just "Remember 9/11, here's a present" no different than "Hey it's christmas, here's a present."<br /> <br /> If we want to send our condolences to the victims of the event, and show respect, it would be more appropriate to just put up a news post articulating these things, maybe encouraging people to donate to a charity or do a good deed that day. <br /> <br /> But to give out items like presents on a day like that just doesn't sit well with me.

09-9-2011 at 5:25 AM
I think firefighter hats or something would be cool. Last time the Soldier Helmets [I think] were to kind of remember the soldiers. This year we can remember the firefighters who helped
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2011-09-09 05:26:10 by #5484

09-9-2011 at 4:55 AM
While I think making it an 'event' would be a little hard, I see no reason at all not to aknowledge it in a simple and respectful way<br /> <br /> For most Americans (and even other countries) what happened on 9/11 has only made the belief in humanity and freedom stronger, a triumph over adversity and I feel a show of solidarity from a community such as Ala is in no way 'bad taste'<br /> <br /> Remebering those that gave their life to save so many other lifes; fireman, rescues teams and even the everyday 'Joe'...its not about 'glorying' or dredging up the past, its about remembering

09-9-2011 at 4:53 AM
Maybe do a firefighter hat for this year? Or a police hat.

09-9-2011 at 4:48 AM
I agree with the fact that it would be kind of.. almost insulting to make items for this tragedy on a dog game, but at the same time.. we had items for 9/11 last year :S Soldier Helmets.


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